What Is Casting Elevators And Types Of It?

The casing elevators are used to provide a positive grip on the casing. You can choose our high-grade steel elevators for efficiency, safety, and dependability. The elevators are specially designed from years of experience engineering for casing and turbine pump pulling and setting. To prevent accidental line interference each elevator has positive spring-loaded "pop together". The different sizes of casing pipes are available. Types of casing elevators • Single joint casing elevator This is a very common type of elevator and consists of one housing that has access to the opening. You can receive the pipe and hold them firmly with this feature. • Centre Latch Using Elevator They give the advantage of air operation and also come in various sizes. It's important to choose the best one for your water well installation needs. • Side Door Elevators This type of elevator is used to hoist drill and casing collars and pipes. This type of elevator is available with a side door...