Tubing, Casing, and Single Joint Elevators: Know How to Use Different Elevators

Elevators play a very critical role in the oil and gas industry, mainly being utilized in the process of elevating and lowering heavy pipes to aid in drilling processes. Different types of elevators have different functions in each category. The ones with topmost priority include Tubing Elevators, Casing Elevators, and Single Joint Elevators. Let's begin learning each one. What Are Tubing Elevators? Tubing Elevators are the ones designed to lift and carry tubular materials during the time of operation in the oilfield. These elevators have strong construction in case the tubing is being used for lining wells, because of the weight that comes with it. Tubing Elevators are utilized in assisting the running or pulling of the tubing during the different operations of drilling, cementing, or production. They make safe and efficient lifting of heavy pipes. It can also work in tough environments. The role of casing elevators in drilling operations Similar to Tubing ...