What is Teda Tubing Power Tong?

Teda Tubing Power Tong is utilized for fast make-up or break-out in well assistance activities. The tong is furnished with water-powered reinforcement tong and utilize inward bent cam to clasp. This arrangement power tong is utilized for snappy make-up/break-out sucker pole in well assistance tasks. The tong is furnished with water-powered reinforcement tong and utilize planetary paws to cinch, which is an exceptional parent item. It's a perfect decision in well assistance activity. The primary motivation behind tubing power tongs is to run tubular so as to extricate oil and gas from suppliers. Toughly planned, they give relentless, and dependable execution, even at higher torques. Like packaging tongs, they additionally arrive in an assortment of models relying upon your torque details. Our rounded running system is the correct decision for proficient packaging and cylindrical running. At the point when you need master treatment of standard or outlandish chrome t...