A Glance Into Safety Clamp-Type C and 'Dies And Inserts'!

A Safety Clamp is one of the few tools with as many applications on a rig. 

MOT provides both safety clamps of type C and type T to maintain ample levels of replacement parts. Safety Clamp Type C assists in the prevention of dropping drill collars and flush-joint pipe into the hole. 

Need for safety clamp - 

● They prevent flush-joint pipe, streamlined drill collars, and other items from falling into the hole while constructing or unraveling the string.

● For lifting prepacked gravel liners, flush-joint pipe, twisted-off fish, and other items without a shoulder to attach to conventional elevators, it is ideal as an emergency elevator shoulder.

● When running a large diameter surface casing, you can use it as a "Slip and Elevator" combination.

● You can use it inverting as a hold-down against surface pipe cementing operations flotation. 

● You can also use them to simplify installing driller risers and casing heads. 

MOT carries dies and inserts precisely machined to exact tolerances on cutting-edge CNC machines. After that, all dies and inserts are heat treated to ensure maximum insert life. A blob of metal inserted into the die is probably the best and most cost-effective way of producing sophisticated cast die pieces.

The specifications of high-quality replacement dies and inserts are - 

● Full Circle Cavins

● Type Slip Inserts

● Teda Style Tong Dies

● 1-1/4" Wide Tong Dies

MOT provides a comprehensive selection of dies and inserts for uses in power and manual tongs, safety clamps, spiders, and slips. The die and the inserts consist of the same material, usually steel alloys, but you are free to reinforce them to prevent metal erosion during the manufacturing process.


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